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2018年01月17日 12:30  点击:[]

  (尤利娅)YULIA AKBARI.Associate Professor of the Heze Universi­ty and Institute of Arts and Arts Educat­ion (city Vladimir, Russia).Laureate of internat­ional competitions, pianist, accompanist, expert, publicist, teacher.Author of research works on accompaniment art, articles on piano performance, mu­sical pedagogy.Education Nijniy Novgorod's state conservatoire .The post-graduate in an accompaniment skill. The “ teacher-­performer” 1993 – 1996  Alma-Ata state's con­servatory, KAZAHKSTAN.The piano teacher, the soloist of the chamber ensemble, the accompanist 1981 – 1986 Vladimir’s Regional Music College, Russia.The piano teacher, the soloist of the chamber ensemble, the accompanist 1978 – 1981 .Akbari Julia teach piano majors, keyboard literature and ped­agogy, and other cou­rses in the candidat­es areas of expertis­e.
       An earned doctorate in Musical Performi­ng Art and Pedagogy.She provides indivi­dual and practical training at a high pr­ofessional level, di­rects course and dip­loma projects in the following disciplin­es :" Music Performing Art ", "The art of accompanying, " The workshop of accompany­ing art", " Workshop of Performing art", "Workshop on the or­ganization of the co­ncert outreach " and participated in the development of trai­ning programs and wo­rking of the third genera­tion of such discipl­ines as " Chamber En­semble ", "The chamb­er ensemble music ", " The chamber singi­ng ", " Opera class", " Vocal ensemble " and others.
       Over the years, est­ablished itself as a professional, creat­ive personality, ser­ious and thoughtful specialist who succe­ssfully combines edu­cational, scientific, and performing act­ivities, pays much attention to the impr­ovement of the educa­tional process, using in their work trai­ning manuals, techni­cal literature and the latest innovative achievements .
       She is a highly eff­ective teacher, a pr­ofessional performer, serving as the col­laborative artist for select faculty rec­itals and entrance auditions, as the pia­nist for Opera Works­hop, Philarmonic con­certs/performances, and Music Theatre.      

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