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2018年02月01日 00:31  点击:[]






?  2012.10-2013. 07,美国北卡罗来纳州州立大学,海洋、地球、大气科学系,访问学者

?  2010.09-2014. 01,中国海洋大学,环境科学与工程学院,环境科学,博士

?  2006.09-2009. 06,中国海洋大学,海洋地球科学学院,海洋地质,硕士

?  2001.09-2005. 06,聊城大学,环境与规划学院,地理信息系统,本科


?  2015.12-至今,中国科学院大气物理研究所,博士后

?  2018.01-至今,菏泽学院,城市建设学院,副教授

?  2009.07-2018.01,菏泽学院,资源与环境系,讲师

?  2005.08-2006. 08,菏泽学院附属中学,地理教师


1.     中国区域极端降水时空变化特征;

2.     区域极端降水的变化趋势与物理成因;

3.     资源环境规划与管理;




美国SCI收录期刊《Advances in Meteorology (IF=1.277)》;

英国SCI收录期刊《International Journal of Climatology (IF=3.76)》;

荷兰SCI收录期刊《Global and Planetary Change (IF= 3.915)》;

瑞士SCI收录期刊《Atmosphere (IF= 1.487)》;

中国SCI收录期刊《Frontiers of Earth Science (IF=1.051)》;


SuperMap GIS》、《市政工程规划》、《专业外语》、《城市规划管理与法规》、《旅游学》、《生态旅游学》和《3D max》等;


1.       山东省自然科学基金面上项目:印度-西太平洋海气通量影响长江中下游夏季极端降水的机制研究,(ZR2018MD014),2018-2021,主持;

2.       中国博士后科学基金第10批特别资助项目:太平洋热通量与长江流域极端降水的时滞相关研究,(2017T100103),2016-2018,主持;

3.       山东省教育科学十三五规划2016-2017年度课题:地方高校市政工程规划课程体系校企合作实践与教学内容创新探索,(YC2017056),主持;

4.       中国博士后科学基金第59批面上项目(一等资助):黄河流域极端降水的模拟和预估,(2016M590127),2015-2017,主持;

5.       山东省自然科学青年基金:基于统计降尺度模型的山东未来极端降水变化趋势的预测研究,(ZR2015DQ0042015-2017,主持;

6.       山东省教育厅2015年度高校科研发展计划:海气通量对山东极端降水时空变化特征影响的物理机制研究,(J15LH10),2015-2018,主持;

7.       菏泽市科学技术局规划项目,(2014HZ27),2014-2017,主持;

8.       菏泽市社会科学规划重点课题:菏泽牡丹产业化发展问题研究,2015,主持;

9.       菏泽学院博士基金项目,(XY14BS05),2014-2017,主持;

10.   菏泽学院中青年学术骨干基金项目2014-2018,主持;

11.   在攻读硕士和博士期间参与两项973专项和多项国家自然科学基金课题以及美国国家自然基金课题;



[1]. Tao Gao, Huixia Judy Wang, Tianjun Zhou, 2017. Changes of Extreme Precipitation and Nonlinear Influence of ClimateVariables over Monsoon Region in China. Atmospheric Research. 197:379–389.SCI, IF= 3.778;地学二区)

[2]. Tao Gao, Huailiang Wang, 2017. Trends in precipitation extremes over the Yellow River basin in North China: Changing properties and causes. Hydrological Processes.31:2412-2428.SCI, IF= 3.014地学二区

[3]. Tao Gao, Huailiang Wang, 2017. Testing back-propagation neural network approach in interpolating missing daily precipitation. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-017-3584-1.SCI, IF= 1.702水资源三区

[4]. Tao Gao, Lian Xie, Bin Liu, 2016. An Investigation of Association of Extreme Precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin with Global Air-Sea Heat Fluxes and Moisture Transport. International Journal of Climatology, 36: 3020-3038.(SCI, IF = 3.76地学二区)                        

[5]. Tao Gao, Lian Xie, 2016. Spatiotemporal changes in precipitation extremes over Yangtze River basin, China, considering the rainfall shift in the late 1970s. Global and Planetary Change,147:106-124. (SCI, IF = 3.915地学二区)                        

[6]. Tao Gao, Xiaohui Shi, 2016. Spatio-temporal characteristics of extreme precipitation events during 1951-2011 in Shandong, China and possible connection to the large scale atmospheric circulation. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30:1421-1440. (SCI, IF = 2.629工程土木类二区)                        

[7]. Huailiang Wang, Zhuhai Shao, Tao Gao*, Tao Zou, Jie Liu, HaibaoYuan, 2017. Extreme Precipitation event over the Yellow Sea Western Coast: Is There a Trend? Quaternary International. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2016.08.014. (通讯作者) .(SCI, IF = 2.199地学三区)                        

[8]. Tao Gao, Lian Xie, 2014. Multivariate Regression Analysis and Statistical Modeling for Summer Extreme Precipitationover the Yangtze River Basin, China. Advances in Meteorology.DOI: 10.1155/2014/269059. (SCI, IF = 1.277地学四区)                        

[9]. Yinyin Deng, Tao Gao, Huiwang Gao, Xiaohong Yao, Lian Xie, 2014. Regional precipitation variability in East Asiarelated to climate and environmental factors during 1979-2012. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/srep05693. (SCI, IF = 4.259综合二区)                        

[10]. Tao Gao, Guangxue Li, Jinghao Shi, Ping Dong, Jie Liu, 2010. A flume test on erosion mechanism for an abandoned section of the Huanghe (Yellow) River Delta. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,28(3): 684-692. (SCI,IF = 0.688地学四区)                        

[11].高涛,谢立安, 2014.50年中国极端降水趋势与物理成因综述研究. 地球科学进展, 2014,29(5): 577-589. (中文双核心)


[1]. Huailiang Wang, Tao Gao*, Lian Xie. Extreme precipitation events during 1960-2011 for the Northwest China: Spatiotemporal changes and possible causes. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. (in revision)(通讯作者) (SCI, IF = 2.64)                        

[2]. Fuqiang Cao, Tao Gao*. Effect of climate change on the Centennial drought over China using High-Resolution NASA-NEX downscaled climate ensemble. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. (in review)(通讯作者)(SCI, IF= 2.629

[3]. FuqiangCao, Tao Gao*, Li Dan, Zhuguo Ma, Xiaolong Chen, Liwei Zou, Lixia Zhang. Synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with summertime precipitation extremes in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River basin. Climate Dynamics. (submit)(通讯作者) (SCI,IF = 4.146)                        

[4]. Tao Gao, Elizabeth Mannshardt, LianXie, Montserrat Fuentes. Projection of extreme precipitation events in Chinausing statistical downscaling methods, considering the impacts from topography. Journal of Climate. (completed) (SCI, IF = 4.161)                        


1.     第一作者论文《A flume test on erosion mechanism for an abandonedsection of the Huanghe (Yellow) River Delta》获菏泽市自然科学优秀学术成果二等奖2011年);

2.     菏泽学院优秀教师(2012年)

3.     第一作者论文《Physical factor selection and statistical prediction model for summer extreme precipitationover Yangtze River basin, China》获菏泽市自然科学优秀学术成果一等奖(2014年);

4.     第一作者论文《Spatio-temporal characteristics of extreme precipitation events during 1951-2011 in Shandong, China and possible connection to the large scale atmospheric circulation》获2016年菏泽学院优秀科研成果二等奖;

5.     2016年山东省自然科学学术创新奖

6.     第七届菏泽市青年科技奖(2017年);

7.     2017年菏泽学院优秀科研成果一等奖;


1.     2015年中国地理学会(华北地区)暨黄河分会学术年会2015925-28日,山东济南。(Oral presentation)                

2.     第四届区域气候变化监测与检测学术研讨会,2016526-27日,湖北武汉。(Oral presentation

3.     第四届地球系统科学大会,201674-6日,上海。(Poster presentation)                

4.     7th International Conference on Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Change (COAA), July27-30, 2016, Beijing. (Oral presentation)                

5.     13th Annual meeting Asian Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), August 1-5, 2016, Beijing. (Oral presentation)                

6.     CLIVAR (Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and Change) Open Science Conference, September 18-23, 2016, Qingdao. (Poster presentation)                

7.     2016年中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室年会,20161221-22日,北京。(Oral presentation

8.     中国地理学会2017年华北地区学术年会,2017512-14日,河北石家庄。(Oralpresentation

9.     半干旱气候变化教育部重点实验室2017年度学术年会,气候论坛,2017529-30日,甘肃兰州。(Oral presentation

10.  5th Annual Congress on Climate Change, August 24-25, 2017, Birmingham, United Kingdom.Oral presentation

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